If you would like to share your sentiments about Stardust Memorials, we would appreciate it!
It’s fairly easy to find places to review your shopping experience online, but there are four spots that are particularly valuable: Google Reviews, Better Business Bureau Reviews, Yahoo! Local Reviews, and Facebook Reviews. A review at any of these places would be warmly received.
Thank you very much!
Google Reviews
Google “Stardust Memorials” and under the link to the website, next to the starred reviews, it will say “write a review” – just click there. The review stars might appear elsewhere on the page, too, with a link to see the reviews and to add your own.
BBB Reviews
Google “Stardust Memorials Better Business Bureau” and on the right-hand side under “Customer Reviews” simply click “Submit a Customer Review” or, alternatively, under “Quick Links” simply click “complement this business” – it should be easy!
Yahoo! Local
Google “Stardust Memorials Yahoo Local” and click the link to “Stardust Memorials, LLC – Yahoo Local” … simply click “Write a Review” under the “Reviews” Section.
On Facebook, simply search for “Stardust Memorials” and on the company Facebook page, along the left side and towards the bottom you’ll find a block for “Reviews”. Simply click the little symbol in the upper right corner of that block and it will take you to the reviews page. Simply add a review there!
We appreciate your willingness to write a review of your shopping experience with our company!